JavaScript for Beginners Course
Learn the core concepts involved with JavaScriptIf you have always wanted to build you own website, then you
are going to need to get to grips with JavaScript. Whether you are using an
online website builder, a content management system such as WordPress or if you
are doing advanced web applications, JavaScript is the underlying technology of
the internet that makes your website interactive instead of static HTML and CSS
content. Virtually everything on a website that does something when you do
something, excluding page loads, is likely powered by some form of JavaScript. .
This course is open to anyone wanting to learn about JavaScript.
Throughout the day you’ll learn;
- JS Introduction
- JS Output
- JS Syntax
- JS Statements
- JS Comments
- JS Variables
- JS Operators
- JS Arithmetic
- JS Assignment
- JS Data Types
- JS Functions
- JS Objects
- JS Scope
- JS Events
- JS Strings
- JS String Methods
- JS Numbers
- JS Number Methods
- JS Math
- JS Dates
- JS Date Formats
- JS Date Methods
- JS Arrays
- JS Array Methods
- JS Array Sort
- JS Booleans
- JS Comparisons
- JS Conditions
- JS Switch
- JS Loop For
- JS Loop While
- JS Break
- JS Type Conversion
- JS RegExp
- JS Errors
- JS Debugging
- JS Hoisting
- JS Strict Mode
- JS Style Guide
- JS Best Practices
- JS Mistakes
- JS Performance
- JS Reserved Words
- JS Forms including Forms Validation and Forms API
- JS Objects including Object Definitions, Object Properties, Object Methods
and Object Prototypes - JS Functions including Function Definitions, Function Parameters, Function
Invocation and Function Closures - JS HTML DOM including DOM Intro, DOM Methods, DOM Document, DOM Elements, DOM
HTML, DOM CSS, DOM Animations, DOM Events, DOM EventListener, DOM
Navigation, DOM Nodes and DOM Nodelist - JS Browser BOM including JS Window, JS Screen, JS Location, JS History, JS
Navigator, JS Popup Alert, JS Timing and JS Cookies
What to Bring
Throughout the course you’ll need a laptop for some of the
interactive parts. If you do not have one, a tablet will suffice or simply work
with another attendee to shadow them. The beginner’s course is approximately 50%
theory and background understanding and 50% hands on.
What’s Included
The full day course includes;
- Tuition taught by Michael Cropper a JavaScript expert who works with various
website technologies on a daily basis professionally - Room hire
- Lunch and refreshments throughout the day
- A copy of the teaching materials
Course Information
Date: Various
Venue: Various
Price: £349 + VAT
You need to know the core fundamentals of HTML or have
completed the HTML for
Beginners course along with the core fundamentals of CSS or have completed
the CSS
for Beginners course.